Message from the Membership Secretary

Membership Secretary

Hi Folks

I thought I’d introduce myself and make a request regarding membership.

My name is Mike Ring and I have taken the baton from Helen Holyoak, who is taking a well-earned rest.

Before I was asked to create the Web Site, I knew nothing about birds let alone Barn Owls. Since our recent 3 Chicks hatched, I have become hocked and watch them all the time. So when it was muted that Helen wished to retire the post, I thought it was something I could do to help with the Trust.

I would also invite all those who have Subscribed for ‘News Updates’, via the Web Site, to consider becoming a Full Member. Just send an email to me and I’ll send you the necessary paperwork. Also, we have a WhatsApp Chat group which you can be included in if you send me your Mobile Phone Number.

Exciting News: Funding has been sourced and as soon as our 3 Chicks have fledged, from Wirral Country Park, we will be moving in to replace the Video Camara for a higher resolution system, incorporating sound. This should enhance the whole viewing experience.

We are also planning to move into the 21st Century with an on-line Donations button and a Membership Payment Button

Become a Full Member and get more involved, thus helping to fund the work. Annual Membership is only £12.00 or £20.00 for a couple, living at the same address, that’s not a lot but is a big help to the Trust.

Best wishes and stay safe

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