COVID – 19

Fingers crossed we are beginning to see a reduction in the number of cases on the Wirral, and a relaxation of the current restrictions, so we will now start planning for the season ahead with a view to returning to normal operations.

Maintenance is being carried out on our vehicle and we have received a delivery of the new ECO Barn Owl Nest Boxes from our friends at The Barn Owl Centre in Gloucester, so preparations are well in hand.

NEST BOX Live-Stream

The female Barn Owl is still in residence and her male partner calls to see her occasionally, but there is no sign of them getting together at the moment.

Still, it’s early days yet and we hope that they will pair up again when she is ready.


Many thanks for all your sightings, they assist us greatly and we are already receiving reports of Barn Owls pairing up, this will give us a starting point for when we resume.


Can I take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and remind you that your membership may be due for renewal? Without your donations, we would not be able to maintain our objectives and conserve Barn Owls on the Wirral.

Stay safe



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